Living Within the Means God has Provided for you.

I have been a stay at home mom since 2003, although living on one fairly small income has been challenging, God has always provided for our family. With a Gross income of aproximately $20,000 we own our own home, actually have two running vehicles and want for very little. Lots of people complain about not having enough money to pay their bills. I have a hard time understanding why. On a monthly basis, we make a mere $1, 356, I had no clue til recently how low that really was. Its funny, but being Poor is more of a mentality than an actuality for most of us.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Waste Not, Want Not

This morning, while making DH's Lunch, I stood at the counter thinking that packing a lunch was supposed to save me a significant amount of money, after all, he isn't going out and spending $5 at the local fast food place every single day, right?

However, rising prices seem to have lead to the cost of his daily homemade lunch DOUBLING.
Granted, it still cost a lot less than going out, but why did the cost double?
Looking at how I made his lunch, I realized that, while he was not taking a larger variety of foods, he was however, taking more meat and cheese in his sandwiches. He was needing more protein to get through his afternoons, and the carb snacks were making him drag through the afternoon.

I think we may have to find a protein snack to replace the extra meat in his lunch.
While all prices have risen, we need to find ways to use less expensive ingredients to their highest potential. This time of year our favorite nut goes on sale (we don't buy them throughout the year because they are priced way too high the rest of the time) so I guess instead of a large sandwich, he will get a handful of Pistachios or Almonds. I am already cutting his cheese on his sandwich in half (my 8 ounce package of sliced Provolone went from a sale of $1 last year to a sale of $1.99 this, but get this, not only did the price go up by double, the size went DOWN, its now only 6 ounces, so I lost 1/4 of our cheese and got the price increase too)

It may be time to start thinking about using the deli now, as I can buy exactly the amount I need for the week each week.
Waste Not, Want Not, No sense in paying for things that will go bad over the weekend (when DH refuses to eat sandwiches, who can blame him)

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