Living Within the Means God has Provided for you.

I have been a stay at home mom since 2003, although living on one fairly small income has been challenging, God has always provided for our family. With a Gross income of aproximately $20,000 we own our own home, actually have two running vehicles and want for very little. Lots of people complain about not having enough money to pay their bills. I have a hard time understanding why. On a monthly basis, we make a mere $1, 356, I had no clue til recently how low that really was. Its funny, but being Poor is more of a mentality than an actuality for most of us.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

When all Else fails, our new endeavor

Ok, nothing really failed, but at the same time, something in me hit hard this year. I want to go back to work, not just any job, but REALLY go back to work, I want to go back to school, get a degree, and go get a real job. We will still be nearly a one Income family when I am working as DH will drop down to just part time and be the one homeschooling our DD.

I have decided, and applied, to go to school to be a nurse. I was studying to do that in college a little over 10 years ago, but things just weren't right back then. I feel God had me there to discover who I was rather than get an education since I couldn't tell you anything I actually learned while there and to prove it, only 2 classes could potentially transfer over. I had a terrible time settling into any one path...which is how it was supposed to be because Nothing would be the way it is today had I continued in school, graduated with an actual degree in a field.

I would have been a work-a-holic (worse than when I met DH) I would not have had our daughter because there wouldn't have been time. I would not have moved to the Detroit area because I would have not have even come back to Michigan. I certainly would not know how to make the best of what we have, because I would have been making enough to spend without thinking (and that is in my genes)

So, now that I am going to be going back to school, We will be getting all of our debt under control (a lot easier with an income that actually exceeds what you actually OWE in any month)
Dh will only continue working to provide for Social Security reasons. His income will all be savings and investments (oh and play money, entertainment really is nescessary sometimes)

I am very excited for what we have learned and grateful that God will be able to work in this new chapter of our lives. I like that healthcare cannot be outsourced to China or elsewhere making it a lot more stable career than what DH is doing in manufacturing as well.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Be Ye Prepared

This past week I made a huge pot of soup, a triple batch of Vegetarian Tortilla Soup, The recipe was actually an alteration on Don't Panic, Dinner's in the Freezer's Chicken Tortilla soup. I subbed homemade Veggie broth and omitted the chicken, we will add that when we thaw the leftovers and reheat it over the next month.

Out of that triple batch of Veggie tortilla soup, I put away 8 packages of soup each one has the potential of being multiple things. I can use the soup as a base for a simple chili by adding beans and a little tomato paste. I can use it for Chicken tortilla soup by adding a chicken breast or thigh. I can use add ground beef and use it as taco meat or burrito filling, or a topping for taco salad. The possibilities are endless.

Since we had already eaten 3 meals out of this pot of soup before I put it in the freezer, we got at least 11 meals out of it. Total cost for those 11 meal bases is about $6
Now I subbed a lot of ingredients, instead of using tomato soup, I used a giant can of tomato juice (since you add water anyhow, I just left that off) it also helps to shop at Aldi, The diced tomatoes and rotel style tomatoes are only 39 and 49 cents per can respectively. Spices come in bulk from either Gordon Food Service or Sam's which ever I get the best deals at when I am running out.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Clutter and Money

What do these two have in common? Clutter costs me money all the time. I can't find this, so I replace it, only to have two when the other one shows up. It keeps me out of the kitchen and out of the house where it becomes increadibly easy to spend more money trying to get things organized.

Why do these things drive us so crazy? I am not sure the answer to that, but I am on the path to decluttering my house, making sure everything has a home and getting my daughter trained to not go through what I have.

Clutter is very costly. I know too well...Oh I don't have any clean dishes, lets go out to eat....or I can't find any socks (not that I didn't just buy 10 pair 3 months ago) so lets go buy a new package....or bills are late because the checkbook got burried under the clutter on the desk, late fees.

I was really blessed earlier this week to learn of The Colossal Clutter Clean up, we are going to work through this, my daughter and I, not only is it going to help our house, but our hearts, Amy has many printable to help us, and I am excited about not only getting my house in order, but also training my daughter to not follow in my path and make those same mistakes I have made in cleaning She also helps with the true issues of clutter, the Heart issues. Its a total blessing to see this, and so encouraging as well.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Groceries on a Budget

Yesterday I went to Meijer, I spent about $50 and came home with 8 bags of groceries. I thought prices were going up.

Yes, its true, prices are ever increasing, however, that does not mean you have to spend alot.
My receipt shows that I spent $55.25 now that includes more than just groceries as I am working on a Baby shower gift for my sister in law as well, and my kitty wanted treats.

They have their buy 10, get the 11th item free. I bought baby carrots, mushrooms, spray butter, 3 jars of Ragu (I even had a coupon to get 50 cents off two, doubled, means one of those jars was free) 2 stuffed sandwiches (Meijer Brand Hot pockets), 4 rolls of Crescent roll dough, 2 Oscar Mayer Wieners, 3 Aunt Millies buns, Lenders bagels, lobster chunks, and Chicken patties, Our grand total for those Dollar deals was $20
After my dollar deals, I got a gallon of milk, $2.77, 6 cans of spaghetti o's, $3 (coupon item 40 cents off 3 doubled), 12 Dannon yogurt pots, $4.80, (coupon $1 off), 10 packets Chipped Lunch meats for DH's Lunch (5 varieties, so he doesn't get bored) $4, 8lbs baking potatoes, $2.50, and Flash Frozen Boneless Skinless chicken Tenders, 8lbs or 14.98 (2 4lb bags B1G1 Free)
The cat treats were $2.39 and 1.69 if I bought both I got the cheaper ones for free with a coupon. For my sister in law, I got a Teether, a Rattle, and a Hat/Socks package for my nephew...those cost almost $9.

All the coupons, bottle slips (from before we gave up pop) We did pretty good. Now if Only I could get the CVS or Walgreens Register rewards to work that well for me, but I rarely get that great of sales.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Reducing consumption

Ok, I know I am not technically reducing consumption for frugal reasons, My church called a Daniel Fast and Meat and sweets have been severely limited in my house.

However, the one thing I have noticed, our grocery bill has gone way down, even out of season veggies and fruits are still cheaper than using meat as your main course.

I am not doing a complete fast, but on Sunday I made Bean and salsa burritos, a grand total for the entire meal to feed 3, less than $3 Monday, I made a Huge pot of marinara sauce, DH gets sausage balls, that whole meal cost $6, but divide that figure by 3, since I will get at least 3 meals out of that batch of sauce., $2 per day
Tonight, We are having Twice Baked Potatoes, (leftovers, but about 15 cents each) and Caesar Salad, DH will get chicken on top of his, A total of about $4 for two meals each.
We will be eating like this til the 29th of January. Right now, I am starting to feel better, so I think it may actually last longer, Tomorrow I am making Vegetarian Chili.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Pizza From Scratch

After a hard day, discovering a pay cut that we got out of a raise, we decided we were going to celebrate how God has provided for us, and will continue to with made from scratch pizza.

Costs for Pizza from Scratch for our family.
Flour 21 cents (bought in 25lb bags)
Yeast 3 cents (bought in bulk)
Salt negligible
Sugar negligible
Oil 16 cents (I use special Pizza oil with Garlic in it)

Garlic 10 cents
Salt negligible
Tomato Paste 32 cents
Tomato Sauce 33 cents
sugar negligible
Pizza Seasoning (Basil and Oregano) 5 cents
Oil 16 cents

Cheese 1.35
Pepperoni 28 cents
Sausage 26 cents
bacon 34 cents
Mushrooms 50 cents
Onions 10 cents

a Grand total of $4.16

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Medical Expenses

Its only the 3rd day of 2008 and we are preparing for a major expense in our house, although anticipated, we were not expecting such a high lay out right off the bat. See, our insurance deductible doubled, so the surgery I am scheduled for on February 1st will be a cash outlay of probably $2500.

Now, for surgery that does not seem unreasonable, except when you add in the fact that, Dh will not want to cook, and I will not be able to lift much so, how do we keep our bills in check?

Here's to the wonderful book I ordered this past fall, Don't Panic, Dinner's In the Freezer.
Through out the month of January, I will be making meals ahead of time that my darling can merely stick in the oven or preferably the toaster oven.

The meals I chose out of the book are meals we have tried, I will make multiples of all so that the entire month of February should be pretty close to covered.
We will have Chicken Tortilla Soup, Chicken Enchiladas, Beef Chimichangas and Stuffed Manicotti.
I will also make French bread Pizzas, Spaghetti and Meatballs, Burrito Casserole, and Roast Chicken breast with Twice baked potatoes. All items I know my family likes, and easy to prepare.
Making 4 batches of each item will net us one meal of each this month, and 3 to be used when it may not be easy for me to do them.

The toaster Oven and small batches are my friends.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year

What are you doing to help yourself live within your means this year?
Are your means getting smaller? Ours certainly seem to be, we have insurance premiums coming out and costs going up. The rest of our bills will all stay the same or relatively close to the same.

Are you praying over those means, so that God can stretch them and maximize their potential?

I will be printing off some general ledger paper to keep tabs on our spending today. I already have three things to write in it. I have groceries bought yesterday, gas put in the car yesterday, and two medical bills paid (or at least they will be by the end of the day)

Old fashioned accounting to keep track of where the money is going.

You can not reduce spending, if you do not know where it is going. So our first goal is to see WHERE it is going.
Yes, I could go back and pick apart my check book, but its much easier to just start from scratch.

Another goal for 2008 is to begin appreciating what I have instead of always wanting more. I am already pretty good at procrastinating on getting what I want til I discover I don't really need it.
What I mean by appreciating what you have, is, well, Taking better care of what God has already blessed us with. Kimberly Eddy at A Joyful Momma puts it so nicely in her e-book, Thriving on One income When I read her book I had never thought about things in such light, but it does make so much sense. Why would God bless you with something better when you do NOT appreciate what he has given you.
I guess it all goes right back to determining what the difference is between a Need and a Want.