Living Within the Means God has Provided for you.

I have been a stay at home mom since 2003, although living on one fairly small income has been challenging, God has always provided for our family. With a Gross income of aproximately $20,000 we own our own home, actually have two running vehicles and want for very little. Lots of people complain about not having enough money to pay their bills. I have a hard time understanding why. On a monthly basis, we make a mere $1, 356, I had no clue til recently how low that really was. Its funny, but being Poor is more of a mentality than an actuality for most of us.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Reducing consumption

Ok, I know I am not technically reducing consumption for frugal reasons, My church called a Daniel Fast and Meat and sweets have been severely limited in my house.

However, the one thing I have noticed, our grocery bill has gone way down, even out of season veggies and fruits are still cheaper than using meat as your main course.

I am not doing a complete fast, but on Sunday I made Bean and salsa burritos, a grand total for the entire meal to feed 3, less than $3 Monday, I made a Huge pot of marinara sauce, DH gets sausage balls, that whole meal cost $6, but divide that figure by 3, since I will get at least 3 meals out of that batch of sauce., $2 per day
Tonight, We are having Twice Baked Potatoes, (leftovers, but about 15 cents each) and Caesar Salad, DH will get chicken on top of his, A total of about $4 for two meals each.
We will be eating like this til the 29th of January. Right now, I am starting to feel better, so I think it may actually last longer, Tomorrow I am making Vegetarian Chili.

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