Living Within the Means God has Provided for you.

I have been a stay at home mom since 2003, although living on one fairly small income has been challenging, God has always provided for our family. With a Gross income of aproximately $20,000 we own our own home, actually have two running vehicles and want for very little. Lots of people complain about not having enough money to pay their bills. I have a hard time understanding why. On a monthly basis, we make a mere $1, 356, I had no clue til recently how low that really was. Its funny, but being Poor is more of a mentality than an actuality for most of us.

Thursday, June 12, 2008


Not my thing.
I just got home from a Chiropractor appointment, I was informed today that my insurance did not pay their part.

As part of a frugal family, you need to be aware of what your insurance covers, we are covered 100% for 24 visits, NO Co-Pay.

They covered the 1st visit, but the next 6 visits were covered with a copay of $30 each....No thank you. I came home, called Blue Cross, now they are reprocessing those transactions and they will be covered at 100% like they are supposed to.

I have too many other bills that aren't covered to pay for things that are.

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