We are praying, and praying hard for God's will, but DH says to pack up and lets go.
Due to a lot of circumstances we can not control, we have really been struggling as to whether to keep our house or not. Well since we have been struggling with this for several months, we decided to check on mobile homes.
I found several I liked really affordable, but under the circumstances, we weren't sure if that would work either, til today.
I was contacted by a nice lady who works for a mobile home broker and after a lot of prayer I contacted her back today.
What I found out amazed me. Since so many people in Michigan are losing their homes due to circumstances that they can not control (we have taken 4 paycuts since we bought 3 years ago, and properties are not even selling at prices more than 20k less than we owe due to declining values) they have a program with in house financing which could get us a 3 bedroom 2 bathroom mobile home that is about the same size as our house, right across from a playground (a good thing when you have a 5, almost 6 year old) for only $579 a month...almost $200 less than our mortgage.
We will be looking at its outsides on Sunday, since we will be almost there then anyhow. If we like it we will probably head back out there on Wednesday to look at the inside. It is 4 miles north of the in laws, which would be a really good thing to be that close to them, its close but not too close.
That may be where our Stimulus check goes, lol. As for now, I am being obedient to my husband and tomorrow I start to sort and pack. The thrift store may be getting LOTS of stuff during this move since they are on the way.
I am really grateful that we have the opportunity to do this, it will help our family a lot especially once I can go back to work part time, something we were planning on me doing while I went back to school...Maybe DH will become the stay at home parent?