Living Within the Means God has Provided for you.

I have been a stay at home mom since 2003, although living on one fairly small income has been challenging, God has always provided for our family. With a Gross income of aproximately $20,000 we own our own home, actually have two running vehicles and want for very little. Lots of people complain about not having enough money to pay their bills. I have a hard time understanding why. On a monthly basis, we make a mere $1, 356, I had no clue til recently how low that really was. Its funny, but being Poor is more of a mentality than an actuality for most of us.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Going Flexetarian?

Well I am terribly bummed. I have been watching what I ate for the last 8 weeks, in the first 4, I lost almost 7lbs total. But, in the second 4 weeks, I gained it all back plus 5. Now I didn't change my eating, I still ate between 1200 and 1500 calories a day, with increased veggies and decreased carbs...I was warned this may happen because the Lyrica I am on causes weight gain but it still has me VERY upset.

So, since the only time I have EVER had success losing weight was when I cut out red meat almost completely. I think I had ground beef (a bite or two) once in the month. I ate chicken a few times during the month, but went almost completely vegetarian otherwise.

I could not possibly give up all meat, but I think to help with getting this weight off and getting it to STAY off, I think I am going to have to go almost completely vegetarian.
I think I will save red meat for a monthly treat. Not only will this have health benefits but really good financial benefits as well.

I routinely can get Bone In Chicken Breasts for 99cents per pound, Ground Beef cost a minimum of $1.79 since we do not buy hamburger.

Today I am testing out a new recipe, I am making Pinto beans from dry. I have NEVER had success with this, but I am determined. Beans mixed with Rice make a complete protein, meaning no meat needed...won't work for Chris, so I will cook up a couple chicken breasts as well, and I will make a Huge Green Salad to go with it. A head of lettuce is two meals here (while bagged is easier, its not usually cheaper) and cost less than $1.19 Tomatoes and mushrooms are both around 1.99 lb too and they are usually good for a few meals as well.
Generally Veggies can be stretched quite a ways and can be bought or grown very inexpensively.

Some of the things you can do with veggies to make a very cheap meal...All prices based on seasonal sales for a family of 3, in the winter I will have a much harder time since I don't like most winter veggies.

Sauteed Summer Squash and Zucchini ($1) an ear of Corn on the cob, (1.00) 2 chicken breasts (1.50) Spices and Marinades (.50) 1 pound mushrooms (1.49), My whole family would be fed for $5.49 or less since I have to guestimate spices (I buy in bulk)

Baked Potatoes (.57), Toppings Sour cream(.25)Butter (.25) Cheese (.75), Salad Lettuce (.65) Tomato (.99) Mushrooms (.50) Cucumber (.25) Lauren and Chris would add a Hamburger on a bun (.39) (1.00) so the grand total, $5.60

See how by taking away the meat portions of these meals, you would drop the price by between $1.39 and 1.50? And remember there are only two people eating the meat in these menus, how much cheaper would it be for a larger family?

Tonight for dinner, We are having Beans, rice, and chicken, Hubby will probably put his in a burrito shell, me, I will serve mine over a bed of lettuce, and Lauren will probably have hers plain. The Beans will be divided before I serve them so there are some left, and I should get 3 cans worth out of this bag or more.

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