Living Within the Means God has Provided for you.

I have been a stay at home mom since 2003, although living on one fairly small income has been challenging, God has always provided for our family. With a Gross income of aproximately $20,000 we own our own home, actually have two running vehicles and want for very little. Lots of people complain about not having enough money to pay their bills. I have a hard time understanding why. On a monthly basis, we make a mere $1, 356, I had no clue til recently how low that really was. Its funny, but being Poor is more of a mentality than an actuality for most of us.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Ok our finances stink right now, we are frugal by nature, but this is a bit ridiculous.

We have $30 to make it til Thursday afternoon when I can deposit Chris's next check, its just a little too tight.

We have gotten seriously behind in our bills because of medical bills and whatnot, our foodstamps have been temporarily cancelled thanks to some carelessness and I am beyond frustrated at our situation.

I have however discovered that for about $20 a week I can feed my family pretty well so long as I keep my pantry stocked. I have really done a good job of keeping stocked but as I watch it drain to keep us going its pretty scary. Certain members of our household have had to learn how to accept that sometimes their favorites are just going to have to wait.

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